Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sort of Vacation

Well, Dr. Evil's sort of vacation begins. This includes visiting folks as I said that I would and doing stuff around the house. Changing light fixtures and gardening. Seeing what I can do about my seriously dilapidated fence. Unpacking more moving bins (yes, I'm still not done!) and putting up more curtains. My itinerary for the upcoming two weeks are Toronto, Oshawa, Cobourg, London and possibly Wellesley (wherever that is).

As usual, I feel bad that we can't take a vacation off to a cottage or someplace different. But that's the boat we're in and I hope that I won't always be in that boat; which is what keeps driving me to reduce the too much debt status.

How is that going? Terrible. I had to max out the debt again to pay for my roof and I have no idea where I will get the funds from to complete my driver's licence which still scares the heck out of me!! I get heart palpitations just thinking about it. No, seriously. I think Ontario is the crappiest province ever to learn how to drive. Especially considering I failed like three times before finally getting my licence.

I have some other things to do too. Update my CAA and my health card. I can't find my new one for the life of me and my doctor's office is threatening to charge us so I've got to do that soon. I'm off to the dentist's tomorrow to actually get my teeth cleaned. Wish me luck, haven't done it in 10 years.

Yeah, reading this it sounds like I'm in a funk again. I probably am. . .pitying myself as usual. Laughter is always my cure. May I strongly recommend Freaks and Geeks. Opposite George was also in a funk and told me to watch it.

I can honestly say I've never laughed out loud so much at a TV series as I did with this one. I couldn't believe something so funny was cancelled but considering I had never heard of it until O. G. mentioned it. . .I guess yeah. Still pretty damn funny. I also watched Role Models. Not a masterpiece but still worth a watch if you want something you don't have to think about. I liked the little kid in it and the Laire stuff. Yeah, the freaks and geeks are taking over Hollywood and it's all thanks to Judd Apatow.

Also, I'm reading the first Twilight book. It's okay so far. Seems like a typical teen romance novel. I was hoping it would be more a page turner. I haven't had a genuine one of those in a long time.

Now I'm off to watch Lost and South Park :)

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