Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Updatish post.

Well, let me start with my too much debt status. My lovely plans flew out the window as they are bound to do.

First with Thing One's bandages and medical stuff I've probably spent upwards of $500 on that so far and I'm still not done. Hopefully, she'll heal soon but you just can't plan for that sort of stuff.

Then there's the car and the $650 heart attack that Dr. Evil told me it would cost to repair. Again, just can't plan for that stuff. Mind you, that's probably just one of Dr. Evil's paycheques and the other one he gets will have to go to bills and mortgage. That leaves us with pretty much nothing.

My generous to a fault parents gave me $300 to help and some groceries which I thanked them immensely for. They also took Thing Two off my hand for a while so I won't have to worry about paying for her at least for the week. I'm also going to stay with them at the end of the week so that we can ease up on some of the spending.

I probably shouldn't have gone out but hey. . .even those of us who are megabroke need a break once in a while. I'm just sorry that Dr. Evil couldn't have also had something for himself. But then I think. . .wait a minute. . .he's the dingus who put us here in the first place!

He's been mostly good since January with the exception of two slip-ups. One where he bought STBD husband's groceries and I lost it on him. Asked him if he was out of his cotton pickin' mind to pick up groceries for someone who had a full-time job and was just lazy when it came to his finances. The fellow in question is no charity case and frankly, I don't consider him much of a friend either at this point. I can see why STBD is divorcing him.

The second time is because he went out to see an old friend and parked somewhere he shouldn't have and got a ticket but our friend (who is a true friend) payed for the ticket.

I told Dr. Evil to be wary at this time. We might not be doing well now but it wasn't always like this for us and it won't always be this way. We're at the 6 month mark of something that will last two years. I told him yeah. . .it seems like forever since we have a family and it feels like we're starting all over again but stay the course and we'll be better for it. I sincerely hope he takes my advice.

The next thing I have that's coming up and sort of ties in is my driving test. Still freaking me out. I'm having constant nightmares about it. In one of them I was in High School/College for some reason and I was late for an exam. You were and you were there trying to help me along with an assortment of people that I knew in Public School/High School/College. I have no idea where I am and I miss doing the exam or I do it and it's blank and I FAIL!

Yeah, pretty much always school-related. In another one I was actually doing the driving test and crashed head-on into multiple cars. As this has been going on for quite some time now I keep getting up in the middle of the night multiple times just wake up in a panic.

It's terrible, I haven't had a decent night's sleep in quite some time and I feel like I have no peace. Things just keep coming up and haunting me. I also have to pay for the lessons and the test so I'm nervous that I will have to take money from the Line of Credit again which I really don't want to do.

Yeah, I know how Bella Swan feels since I've been reading New Moon. Just panicky, sleepless, stressed and haunted of late. Just had to get it all off my chest.

Things will get better. . .I just have to believe that!


  1. SOmetimes I feel like that too, where all I want to do is sleep, but there's just soooo much going on on my brain. Don't worry, things always work out.
    On another note, i'm glad you came out with us. It has been a long time since we've done anything w/ us adults.

  2. oh, and lastly, please DO NOT coompare yourself to Bella Swan, you are sooooo above her.
