So I finally finished the first book in the Twilight series. Starting now on New Moon. Also, I've finished watching the first season of True Blood so I've definitely got vampires on the brain.
I find them a little similar, basically weird chick falls for moody vampire. I haven't read the Southern Vampire Mysteries but maybe I will after seeing True Blood.
So here's my take on Twilight based on me not reading the other books.
Uhh. . .it's a bit contrived. It was definitely not a page-turner for me. I've read romance novels about just plain old humans that had more chemistry. I guess since it's a teen romance novel the characters are probably typical.
Bella seems to be a typical awkward teenage girl. Nothing special about her until she starts a new life with her dad in Washington. Probably a dream for most teenagers wishing they could escape the bland and boring of their existence. Only for her it becomes even better because the surreal Cullens live there and they're vampires. On top of that, Edward the "handsomest" of the vampires falls for her. Yeah, extraordinary now. . .probably a dream come true for every dorky, accident-prone girl out there. I can definitely see it's appeal for teenage girls.
As a friend pointed out to me, who has a very different interpretation of Twilight, Bella is a snivelling weak-willed girl who lives for Edward's attentions. Yes, that's probably true. But as far as I remember, that was pretty much every female I knew at that age. Now of course, there were exceptions. Girls who would not fall over if a cute boy batted his eyelashes at them but even those girls were few in numbers.
I guess on a scale of 1 to 10 this book is a two, maybe three at the most if I'm generous. There's a lot of deus ex machina and I just can't get into the characters as they don't seem to be fleshed out except on a superficial level.
Now that I've started New Moon, I'm starting to like the seemingly dorky-but-can't-get-the-girl Jacob Black. I'm assuming he's the male equivalent of Bella in the love department but from the spoilers I've read he's at least not ordinary.
Yeah, Bella is the plain chick who gets Edward's affections. . .this chick right here.
Good casting choice.
Now True Blood. I find it sort of similar to Twilight. Most likely because I'm reading and watching them at the same time.
The main character, Sookie Stackhouse is a mind-reading girl in a podunk town. Vampires have "come out of the coffin" after the creation of synthetic blood. The drink is called Tru*Blood and it allows them an alternative life so they can go mainstream. Sookie meets her first Vampire, Bill and is taken with him as she cannot read his thoughts.
I find Sookie very annoying. Despite being 25 and able to read minds she seems to be reckless and just does not think before doing anything. I don't find Bill very attractive but he seems like a nice vampire as far as vampires go. And hey, at least they actually have sex in their story.
Well, I'm hoping Season Two will be good. . .I'm just pissed about my boy LaFayette. . .
I'm Lafayette Bitch!
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