This is just a random post that I will babble through.
Well, Thing One had another Doctor's appointment and she's doing well. Still worried about scarring and as I said before Dr. Evil is trying to be on top of it so she'll be able to wear a two-piece one day. His words not mine.
Now that she's getting better I have to start seriously thinking about the driving thing. You have no idea how much driving stresses me out. I sincerely hate it and still have anxiety attacks behind the wheel. On the other hand I don't want to throw away all the work I had to do a couple years before to get the G2.
These are the days I just strongly dislike Dr. Evil because I think if he had just gotten his licence like I asked him too then I could have had all the time in the world to get mine. Naturally, he never wants to do things the easy way so when I was stuck at home taking care of the kids and desperately wanting to move away from Toronto he was fettering away with his palm pilot. I realized then that if I didn't just go and get it, I'd be screwed forever. Mind you, even after I got it and I had to fight Dr. Evil and insane amount of times to get his. He's very much the kind of person that will say "why should I do it if someone will do it for me." I believe this motto applies to every area of his life.
As it stands, my neighbours think he's weird because I do all the mowing and gardening and heavy chores while he doesn't. He of course is ummm. . .progressive? Naturally, why should he lift heavy bags when I could . . .not like I was 7 months pregnant or anything - HA!
But I digress. So now I'm facing the dreaded driving test and even worse, it's the highway test. Totally Freaking Me OUT!! I'm going to try to start my lessons soon and attempt to get it on the first try. I doubt I'll be able to but I only have until September before it all goes away and I have to start at square one.
Just NOT looking forward to this!!!!!
In other news. . .Happy Birthday to this person's little guy who will be all of 2 today :)
Also, have to figure out what Opposite George wants. O.G.'s birthday is on the 27th and seems to be in a rut. Somehow O.G. believes that their life is extremely boring and they nothing new and exciting to do. Well. . .that may be true. But hey, that's kinda my life too - LOL!
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