Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alright Resolutions. . here we go. . .

Okay, diet and exercise and cleaning and organization, etc., I don't like you and you don't like me but I've gotta get serious about you.

Also, two posts in a row for me - Yippee!!

Okay, so here's what has been going down.

The mom-in-law had her partner pass away and was just a mess. I do feel bad but I honestly did not like the guy. Now that I have starting watching Dexter I'm beginning to think I might be more like him regarding death. I guess I see it as a part of life so I don't understand the grief and it makes me deeply uncomfortable to be around them.

Well, onwards.

She up and quit her job and received the house upon his passing. Well, she had no savings and wanted the money that we owed her for the roof that Dr. Evil promised her. Needless to say I was miffed that Dr. Evil would promise her something financially without consulting me and I had just gotten the debt under control. It wasn't paid off but at least we weren't doing a punishing payback to get it down. Now that I've given her the money I am back to square one for paying it ALL back. I hate having it and deeply wish it would go away but as always it takes time. So no more fun until I can get it back to where it has to be. No more extras, no more nothing. It's not too bad in the winter because I tend to hole myself up anyways. . .summer is when it's hardest.

So that's that. . .I'm broke-a** again!

Now on to other hopefully uplifting news. As always I'm trying to lose weight. Not succeeding at it but certainly trying. I'm going to try a simple diet and now that I have a treadmill - gonna try to do that too! I hope to keep the balance that I have going now. Taking the girls to school on Monday to Wednesday and then doing stuff on Thursday on Friday so that I spend the weekends working on fixing the house. I sincerely hope that I can get Dr. Evil on board with me. As it's important that we get our lives organized and on the same page for the kiddles.

Dr. Evil tends to always make grandiose plans but not really short-term do-able ones. I'm trying to work with what I have but he tends to stray into the "well, we can do this if you do this and we should do that if we get that." I'm always attempting to tell him; let's work on what we have and when we actually complete what is at the top of the list then we can move on to the other things. I'll see how that works out and what happens. Hopefully, I will be able to complete all my resolutions as it's been an icky year and I'm looking forward to it ending.

Here I go. . .

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