Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Three's Company

The other day Dr. Evil decided to "seriously" discuss with me the possibility of getting another wife. I am not joking.

His argument was that it would be more than beneficial. She could work and help me take care of the kids. I would have someone who could keep me company and that it would not leave me lonely anymore.

I countered with "well, why another wife?"
"Why not another man?"

My argument is; it would make more sense. I would have another man working in the house to provide for us. He could keep me company when you were always gone working. I could easily have children for him. Plus if he was the handy sort he could do all the things you leave like mow the lawn, take out the garbage, hang up my pictures, etc.

He said that wouldn't work because he is the jealous type. I of course, am not the jealous type so it would work better the other way.

So I said, yes. . .I suppose that could work but there are some things I would like from this person. She would have to live in a separate house because women are territorial over their things. Just can't have some chick coming in trying to re-decorate my place. Also, she could not have any children and would also be content with the fact that she could never have children. He said "well, what if she already had kids?
So I said "then she can't be with me because how would she support my children?"

"If this person never had any children, then she would automatically give my children preference instead of having her own"

I also said "Also, what if this person and I just up and leave you?"

"If we had all our needs filled with each other. . .why would we stay with you?"

I then mentioned an episode of Big Love to him where one of the characters had three wives and two of the wives left him to be together. When the character wanted to see his kids, they just laughed at him since he was not legally married to either of them and only his first wife. They just packed up and left him and he had no recourse to find them except to get in trouble himself for polygamy.

Dr. Evil didn't say much after that.

I think Dr. Evil decided to ponder his would-be polygamy a bit more ;)