So let me start at the beginning. Had a nice enough Mother's Day.
Dr. Evil bought me some breakfast('cause he's not too sharp in the kitchen) and I spent the day with Soon-to-be Divorcee and son. The girls had fun.
The next morning I was looking through the Canadian Flyer ad and saw half off on a small sewing machine on sale. While making breakfast I went to the bathroom to tell Dr. Evil to pick it up so I could hem his pants.
Then it happened. I heard the most blood-curdling scream from the living room. Now I often hear the twins crying and fussing but every mother knows when it's the cry that stops your heart. Dr. Evil and I blankly looked at each other and I raced to the living room.
I saw my eldest twin screaming with my freshly boiled hot chocolate all down the front of her. The other twin was crying because she was so scared of her sister's screaming. Somehow after seeing the sight of her my brain thankfully went to autopilot.
I stripped her clothes off and Dr. Evil looked blankly and his severely burned daughter. I screamed at him to run to the bathroom and turn on the cold water as I'm sure he was quickly going into shock and panic.
He turned it on and I pretty much threw in the tub and began spraying her with ice cold water. She was still screaming horrifically and started shaking because of the cold water. Dr. Evil was attempting to take off my clothes and telling me to go in with her ( Yeah, he was in a panic)
I shoved him off and continued to spray her for as long as I though she could take it. She began trembling violently and I turned off the water. Dr. Evil looked online at some advice from the Sick Kid's and said we had to put her in a cool bath. I told him to wash the tub fast. He said "No, there was no time."
I said "Umm, YES because her skin is exposed and there are germs in the tub so WASH IT!"
That's honest the fastest I've ever seen him clean something. Filled it up with cool water and I forced her to sit in it and then hopped in with her. She was still trembling and screaming. Begging me to stop the pain. I just kept trying to calm her down because she had started to hyper-ventilate. I told Dr. Evil to grab some Tylenol and give it to her. I also told him to go a little above the recommended dose.
Thankfully, Dr. Evil had a Doctor's Appointment the same day and I told him to call and take her with him. After again arguing with him (and his panic mode) I convinced him that it would be better for him to just go with her and to leave me and the other one behind. Too many people are too big a distraction and he would just have to focus on her and I'll focus on the other one. He also wanted to go to the hospital but I told him not too. The clinic is big and my family doctor could check on her properly and if needed admit her to a hospital as he'd have quicker authority to do that than if we waited at an emergency room.
In this time Dr. Evil was suppose to pack a bag. He drove off and forgot it. I looked in the bag and realized I had to re-pack it. I had also dressed, soothed and calmed down my little burn victim and my little non-burn victim. He came back and I gave him the properly packed bag and sent him on his way.
Only after he left did my arms and hands begin to shake uncontrollably. I guess the auto-pilot on my brain finally turned off. It's a good thing it has that function because I realized Dr. Evil is a little useless in an emergency.
I called Dr. Evil to check up how she was doing. At first I was waiting for him to call and then I realized he was probably still in shock and would not be calling.
He said she was doing fine; they bandaged her up. Our quick-thinking prevented her from having much more severe burns. Gave us a list of things to do and ordered us to go nowhere until she was healed because of her exposed skin.
When I peeled off the bandages this morning I realized just how bad it was and how much more worse it could have been. Her exposed skin looked like raw hamburger and she was screaming while we were changing the dressing. It took us a good 2 hours to finish changing it. The worse was for me. I had to rub the medication all over her raw flesh and she did not like it one bit.
Yeah, definitely a nightmare.
She seems to be upset that she can't play and has to lay down all day. Having a mobile twin does not make things easier. Also if said mobile twin is getting jealous.
As she explained to me "Mommy, I don't touch the hot chocolate."
I replied "Yes, I know sweetiecakes and it's good that you listen to mommy or you would have legs like your sister and you don't want that do you?"
"No mommy, her legs are all bloody and yucky and ouchy"
"Yes, they are. . .but they'll get better"
From the looks of it; it's gonna be awhile. Now it's just a matter of finding as many fun activities that I can do indoors.
I'd like to make a shout out to my aunt's who called me and were understanding and sympathetic to me. Unlike my mother and sister-in-law.
My mother who completely blamed me (naturally) and my sister-in-law who is so desperate for her own child she could care less about what anyone says. Weirdos.
Well, let me end on the positive note. Thing 2 held Thing 1's hand while she was getting her bandages changed. She kept kissing her and said "It's okay sister, don't cry"
omg, i almost started crying. It's so good you jumped into supermom phase....
ReplyDeleteYour daughters are so sweet, your last line.
OMG!! Talk about scary. I am glad that she is doing OK. *super big hugs*