Sunday, March 22, 2009

Future Fantasic? The Obama Deception?

I've spent the last couple of days reading about Edgar Cayce. I had watched several documentaries on him as well as other "prophets" like Nostradamus and the like. Still waiting for Mabus (unless he's already here :P.)

But I digress, I have always found Mr. Cayce fascinating. His predictions and work happened really not that long ago in the span of time. Many of his predictions were accurate too. Not that I'm prone to flights of fancy, I love science and I was probably more excited hearing about the launch of the Hadron Collider and it's possibilities over the Obama election.

Which brings me to . . .the future. I'm pretty sure it's human nature to want to know what may or may not happen. I am in charge of my free will or are there greater powers doing the work for me. It would be too much to get into, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks these things from time to time.

After watching these biographies I became very interested in George Orwell and Alduous Huxley. Animal Farm is still the only book I've read over 10 times and I never re-read any book. These great visionaries of course, didn't write any old book. Through my deep depression in High School these books were like water to me in a vast desert.

Now after brusing up on my rhetoric, I came across this "documentary" while on my regular sojourns on the net. Not sure as to how much of a documentary it is compared to opinion but I do like that they say go out and do the research yourselves.

Well, after watching it, I thought of the song Ms. Jackson and the lyric a friend of mine posted. You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather. . .

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