Monday, March 23, 2009

Random Thoughts 2

Told ya I was going to do another one of these.

  • Been watching a whole bunch of tween/teen movies. I saw Twilight, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen and She's the Man. Although, my adult brain can no longer understand the scores of stupidity in these movies; putting my brain aside, I found them light-hearted and enjoyable.
  • Still having Drama with Dr. Evil's family over our roof getting done. Late-night calls, threatening to overcharge us and such. In hindsight, this may have not been worth it. Guess I'll be spending all my Christmases here or in London.
  • Feeling heavily blue all the time. Still haven't been back to school. Told Dr. Evil to get me some Vitamin D and Cod Liver Oil; hopefully this will give me the energy I need.
  • Twins are off to the Godparents this weekend. I will finally get a break and they will get to watch Monsters vs. Aliens. Also, godfather burned a whole bunch of movies for them to watch. . .very happy with that, finally means I'll get to watch something other than Shrek 2 constantly.
  • Am starting on a sci-fi/documentary watching bend. Probably inspired by the current book I'm reading. I believe it's the longest gap of time I've ever taken for reading a book, mostly because of the moving/children thing. Been about 2 years.
  • Sad about the fact that I'm at square one again for the debt. This is gonna be a lot tougher to get through than I imagined.
  • Glad about the house looking more like what I envisioned when I moved in. It's not perfectly there but it's definitely a good start. Hope that I can get a lot of work done on the outside of the place in the summer.
  • Also happy that it's warming up. . .looking forward to 30 degree weather soon (I hope!).
  • Need to make plans to visit folks. Namely folks I didn't fit in last year. . .it's a pain never having a free weekend but hey, if I don't keep in touch who know when I'll see folks again.

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